Yesterday gave me a lot of things to think about. We visited some member families and recent converts to say goodbye even though we do not know which one of us is leaving.. quite the awkward circumstance because one of us will be seeing them again, but nevertheless still very necessary por la duda (just in case). It ended up being a really beautiful experience for me. My companion Hermana Gerratt has been here for six months, and she has such a great love for the people here. There is something very special about the way people send you off with love- instead of just a hug and a [good luck with everything![ they will hold you and say the most sincere and beautiful words while our cheek touches theirs. One couple, the Gomez family, gave us a parting gift after we took pictures with them. Hermana Gomez held me tight and wished me to be safe, to have blessings in all my days, and to have the Lord protect me and give me happiness. Her husband was in tears and couldn{t even speak, and she soon after started to cry. I also saw a really sweet connection between one of my favorite member families here, the Bustamante{s, and two elders who just ended their mission and came to visit yesterday before flying home. Hermana Bustamante told us she sees them as her own sons, and cried and cried when they came and left. I especially loved hearing hear express such great appreciation for one of the elders who when serving here could barely speak the language, [even though he couldn{t understand us you could see he had such a sweet spirit and a good heart![ That meant a lot to me, and I especially loved seeing their excitement hearing this elder speak beautiful castellano with an awesome accent. It really gave me something to think about, seeing the connection between these people and these wonderful missionaries who have year(s) more experience in the mission than me. It gave me a bit of a preview of what it might be like when I will leave an area or go home, and how much the people really love missionaries.
xoxo hermana miller
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