Thursday, January 24, 2013

one more thing...

ok ok I had to mention just a little bit more, I can´t hold in my excitement! 

From the church news room  Response to Mormon Missionary Age Announcement Remains Enthusiastic and Unprecedented : ¨In the weeks following the missionary age announcement, the Church reported that missionary applications had increased dramatically (from 700 applications per week to 4,000), with women comprising more than half of the applicants. While the number of post-announcement applications is still double what it has been in the past, the total number of men and women who have applied since October is now about equal. Prior to the announcement, approximately 15 percent of missionaries were young women.¨ 

In our mission, we also have two new sister missionary ¨assistants¨ who will be traveling constantly to do divisions with us so that we are all on the same page in how we teach and work, so we can all more effectively train the next generation of sister missionaries! 


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